Virtual Factory Planning in the 3D-CAVE
The demands on factory and production planning are ever-changing; one trend with massive influence on the planning environment is that product lifecycles are shortening. Consequently, planning cycles need to be reduced as well. At the same time, planning needs to be increasingly flexible regarding variations and scalability of the systems.
The research project „VIFA3D – Virtuelle Fabrikplanung in der 3D-CAVE” (VIFA3D – Virtual Factory Planning in the 3D-CAVE) developed a solution that can support the planning process. The project combined the concept of virtualisation in the 3D-CAVE with material flow simulation in production and logistics systems and thereby created a planning and communication tool.
Independently of each other, the two technologies used already offer enormous advantages for the planning process. The 3D-CAVE facilitates the realistic representation of complex systems, so that they can be easily understood even by people without any planning background. Moving within the 3D environment and exploring the planning concept this way allows comprehensive conception and thereby a high level of identification with the planned system.
Using simulation, influences and risks resulting from connecting the system’s components can be discussed and evaluated. Through this, a level of system knowledge can be reached that would be impossible with static planning methods.
The combination of the two technologies increases their positive effects. The 3D-CAVE allows the user to depict complex layouts with several connected layers. This makes the system analysis with simulation for this type of system much easier. Simulation on the other hand can show a system in motion, which brings the usually static 3D-CAVE to life.
During the project, existing standard software was used as much as possible to be able to work in the ecosystems of planning as much as possible without inefficiencies. The simulation was done using the tool Sim3D, the representation is based on Nvidia drivers and uses the software packages „Immersive Display Pro” and „Calibration Pro” Fly-Elise N.G.
These pre-existing applications were expanded with some custom components so that the two technologies could be integrated. Apart from connecting the applications, further functions were added:
- The user input can be done entirely via Xbox-360 controller
- The input options are presented in an interactive menu
- The communication of the application packages happens largely through network protocols, which makes adding and switching components easy
This solution enables users to build and edit simulation models within the 3D-CAVE using an XBox-360 controller. Therefore a user can for instance build a first version of the model within the CAVE, then continue modeling conventionally at a computer and eventually finish the simulation model in the 3D-CAVE.
The users can move freely in the simulation model and have a 250° panoramic view, which facilitates the mental immersion into the system. In the prototype, up to six people fit into the CAVE at the same time. However, the concept could be extended to allow for more users.
The simulation can be started, stopped and even changed directly from within the 3D-CAVE. Bottlenecks or features of the planning concept can be ideally presented like this and become easily understandable.
The users can move freely in the simulation model and have a 250° panoramic view, which facilitates the mental immersion into the system. In the prototype, up to six people fit into the CAVE at the same time. However, the concept could be extended to allow for more users.
The simulation can be started, stopped and even changed directly from within the 3D-CAVE. Bottlenecks or features of the planning concept can be ideally presented like this and become easily understandable.