Research at SimPlan

Innovations around simulation

Research at SimPlan

Innovations around simulation

SimPlan is active in research projects and at universities

The contact to universities and research institutes plays a major role for SimPlan. Several of our employees are working as lecturers at Universities to pass on their practical knowledge about simulation.

SimPlan has participated in the following projects as a research partner or project leader. If you need more information about any of the research projects, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

Innovative through Research

The Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) has awarded our research activities the quality seal „Innovative through research”.


Current Research Projects

Current Research Cooperations

Modellfabrik Koblenz - SimPlan AG

Model Factory Koblenz

Using a miniature model of a value chain, business processes are simulated and thereby illustrated, in order to be able to evaluate business procedures and develop new solutions.

Completed Research Projects