Process management technology for the evaluation of business processes with the help of IT systems
Companies collect data in many systems and store it for further analysis. As a rule, this data is to be used to analyze the past and improve processes. However, this is often not done because using the data often proves to be a major challenge. There are many reasons for this. Here are a few examples:
The data is stored in different systems
The data is available in different data formats and technologies
The information is often stored “flat” in simple structures like LOG files to save memory
The information is stored without reference or information to the processes
The information contains no reason or control background
Similar to a tracking system, which one knows from various map information services, one knows who, when, where has been. The why, however, remains unclear at first. However, this is essential to understand the reasons and causes and to derive measures that might have led to a better result.
This analysis procedure is called “process mining”. With the help of special tools, various data sources can be merged with metering point data. These must contain at least the WHO and WHEN. The WHERE is mapped over the source, so that an overall picture emerges with the help of a process map or a material flow diagram.
SimPlan uses and supports the application of the Process Mining method and also provides special solutions such as SimPath (automated logistics systems). SimPlan is also able with the creation of simulation models to bring this data to life by making it visible and understandable in a visual supporting model. SimPlan can also safely run simulations with these models and validate the effectiveness of actions such as expanding capacity or changing control rules.