Digitalisation of value streams
We cordially invite you to participate in a scientific evaluation of an AI-based tool that aims to digitise value streams. This innovative tool is currently being developed by SimPlan AG and evaluated by the Department of Social Sciences at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences as part of the BMBF-funded KompAKI project (
To give you a deeper insight into the product, we will start by giving you a brief overview of the functionalities of the AI-based tool for the digitalisation of value streams. The questions in the following survey relate to the tool presented in the video.
Your participation in this survey is very important as it will help to evaluate the usability, usefulness and potential risks of this tool. Your personal impressions are also crucial in order to design the tool to meet the needs and requirements of future users.
Your data will be treated anonymously and confidentially and will only be used for the purpose of this scientific study. Please bear in mind that only your personal judgement is decisive. Please read through the instructions on the following pages and answer the questions as completely as possible.
We would be very grateful if you could spare about 10 minutes to complete this survey.
Thank you very much!